Based on MTN Korea news, YG Entertainment reportedly to held YG Family Tour this year. YG Family World Tour, in which YG entertainment artists are dispatched, revives in four years. It is noteworthy that the WINNER, iKon, and Blackpink will be successfully replaced by generations in this world tour. In particular, YG, which has been invested by Chinese companies Tencent and Weing (China Mobile Ticketing Company) in 2016, is planning a direct performance plan in China for the recent midsummer sea mood. According to the entertainment industry on October 24, YG is planning a YG Family World Tour performance. It is expected to perform during the second half of this year. "YG Family World Tour is a traditional performance," said an official from the performing arts industry. "There was talk of going on every year, but this time, the performances will be on a symbolic level to successfully show the generations of YG artists." . The last YG Family World Tour was h...